Monday, December 29, 2008

My Dad

He is pretty cool. His name is Hugh Coonfield, I really want to transition my parents to gmail accounts. They often travel and the portability and ease of use are far better, than their old Comcast POP3 account. Luckily, my folks are more tech savvy then most AARP members. 

I consider my father responsible for my computer prowess, we made the trek to Beaverton, Oregon when I was eight years old to pick up our first computer. It was an AST 10 MHz, 286, with 4 megabytes of RAM, and a EGA video card (that means that it has a staggering 256 colors) and a ten megabyte hard drive. TEN MEGABYTES! How could we EVER fill that up? I will never forget the wonder in watching him work, teaching me DOS commands. that was 1983.

Thanks Dad.
Smart of you creating tech support for life. Now go hook up your gmail account before Mom beats you to it.
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Pamela said...

What a handsome man!

If they had gmail accounts I could annoyingly chat them up all day....

Kara said...

He's rad!