Monday, November 17, 2008


Pam took us out on Saturday. To be totally honest the aventure could have been better, but it was fun. The kids like to move a little faster, as do I. But we did have fun in Pams favorite yarn store, went into a fun little import shop. Pam Spioled the kids a bit, which I think is a little cute. Oh, and we saw Stu, the United States only openly transgendered Mayor. But the Park was where it was at! In Silverton there is a great park with REALLY tall swings, I pushed Pamela and she loved it. I pushed the kids and they got scared.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well that's what you get when i couldn't really come up with an adventure.

perhaps next time some suggestion?

i LOVED the swing. i wanna go back. you are an AWESOME pusher!