Monday, August 25, 2008

Doubble Decker.

Emma on a bus.
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Coffee House Cafe Show

So. Next month my photography will be featured in the front of the Coffee House Cafe in downtown Salem, Oregon. I am excited and stressed. Hope to have fun and get all the things I need to get done: done.

Oh, this is a picture of my friend Amy, she will come down and buy a picture and hang it in her new apartment in Portland.
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Friday, August 1, 2008

The Blimp Hanger

The most amazing thing is standing in a mostly empty hanger that happened to store seven K Class non-rigid dirigibles, at 280+ feet per airship that is a big building. On top of that they were built in the early 1940's when steel was in short supply. It is the largest freestanding wooden structure, in the world. I was in awe. This is a better shot then the first post.
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Bailey's Birthday

It was B's Birthday. She got clothes. We went out to Marco Polo at their new location, Just above the old Jackson's Book Store.

I wish them much sucess. The food was great and there was much laughing by all, but me. Who cried. A lot.
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